The Men’s JV and Varsity track teams traveled to Gainesville on Thursday night to compete in the Lake Texoma Relays and returned home as meet champions. The JV scored an impressive 206 points and the Varsity scored 175 points in their win! Great job going into the break! Teams competing were: Denton High, Denison, Lake Dallas, Gainesville, Bonham, Ft. Worth C.D.. GO SCOTS!!!
2nd 4x100m James Herring- Hunter Heath-Cayden Davis-Colby Green
1st 800m Sam Sloan
3rd 800m Trevor Schillaci
1st 110H Christopher Herrod
2nd 110H Cade Pettijohn
2nd 4x200m James Herring- Hunter Heath-Cayden Davis-Colby Green
1st 400m Sam Sloan
2nd 400m Jimmy Rupple
3rd 400m Brock Bakich
1st 300H Christopher Herrod
2nd 300H Robert Clarke
3rd 300H Cade Pettijohn
2nd 1600m Trevor Schillaci
1st 4x400m Sam Sloan-Brock Bakich-Jimmy Rupple-Ryan Gadbois
2nd Long Jump Colby Green
Junior Varsity Men
1st 3200m Ali Furqan
1st 4x100m Will Pettijohn-Drew Dodge-Jack Liston-Christian Wright
1st 800m Jed Clouse
3rd 800m Chris Peterie
1st 110H Luke Martin
3rd 110H Bo Clarke
1st 4x200m Will Pettijohn-Drew Dodge-Jack Liston-Christian Wright
1st 400m Jed Clouse
3rd 400m Maxwell Warren
1st 300H Luke Martin
2nd 300H Will Agouridis
3rd 300H Cole Burke
3rd 1600m Reese Hathaway
1st 4x400m Drew Dodge-Jack Liston-Jed Clouse-Maxwell Warren
1st High Jump Christopher Peters
2nd High Jump Hamilton Lee
2nd Long Jump Jack Liston
3rd Long Jump Will Pettijohn
3rd Triple Jump Will Pettijohn
Freshmen/Sophomore Track Series Wed March 7, 2018
3rd 800m Noah Parette
2nd 110H Hayden LeMaster
3rd 100m William Dalton
1st 400m Jack Gurley
1st 300H Hayden LeMaster
1st Triple Jump Matt McCall
1st High Jump Johnny Herring
3rd High Jump Connor Baroody