Highland Park High School Athletics

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The Highland Park Sports Club is a tax-exempt organization 501(c)(3) that was initially formed in the mid-80's as a booster club to support the athletic programs at Highland Park High School. 

Membership is an important part of our fundraising efforts.  The Sports Club exists to serve all sports, and our donation history is evident of that fact.  All contributions are tax deductible.  All HPISD residents should be aware and appreciate the gap the Sports Club has filled over the past 30+ years which supports all our athletes.  
There are different levels of members residents can contribute to:
- Blue Membership: $75.00 basic membership
- Silver Membership: $150.00 
- Scots GameDay: $250.00 which comes with a Sports Club Hat with a mission is for larger (primarily football) sports to "Give Back" to less attended sports within HPISD
- Gold Membership: $300.00

Through these donations the Sports Club funds these scholarships:
Doak Walker Scholarship – In 1999 the HPSC established the Doak Walker Scholarship which recognizes outstanding athletes and assists them with college efforts.
Ronald K. Marks Scholarship – In 2000 the HPSC established the Ronnie Marks Scholarship to honor the supporter of Highland Park sports.  This scholarship benefits the children of Highland Park coaches with their college tuition.
Christianne Beshara Scholarship – The class of 2001 created this scholarship to honor one of their classmates.  This annually benefits one HPHS senior female who is in financial need and is preparing to attend college or university.  Donations go directly to the Christianne Beshara Scholarship Fund. 
HPSC Presidential Scholarship – This is in recognition of past Sports Club Presidents who saw a need in the district and developed an organization to fill that need. This scholarship will benefit a senior male or female scholar athlete who is in financial need and preparing to attend a college or university.  
All contributions are tax deductible and sent directly to the school.